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Chicago Tribune Reports:

Toxic Flame Retardant Industry

Uses Deception


Chicago Tribune Series 5/05/12- 5/10/12 (includes video)


News Advisories with experts and direct contact information

Chemical Industry Challenged to Repudiate Unethical Members, Safer Chemicals Healthy Families May 17, 2012

New 'Code of Conduct' needed, ASBC says, in response to Chicago Tribune Investigation of flame retardant industry 5/10/12

Reaction to Trib Expose from scientists, health advocates more 5/8/12

California Groups Respond to Trib News more 5/7/12




Tracey Easthope, Healthier Hospitals Initiative Flame retardants don't work, and are hazardous, May 6, 2012

Sarah Janssen's Blog, The tragic truth about one doctor's lies revealed 5/8/12

Richard Denison's Blogs, The truth will out: Chemical industry’s deceptive tactics are eventually exposed 5/6/12 & ACC missing in action this week, no doubt feeling burned 5/10/12

Laurie Valeriano's Blog, Industry Tactics Hit New Lows 5/9/12

Andy Igrejas in Huffington Post The Charade Is Over: Tribune Series Reveals Chemical Industry Lies Like Tobacco 5/10/12

Mike Belliveau's Blog, Stop Playing with Fire 5/10/12

Daniel Rosenberg's Blog, Profile of the Chemical Industry: Power, Corruption & Lies 5/11/12

RH Reality Check, Kirsten Moore Catching Fire: Inflaming Our Passion to Pass the Safer Chemicals Act May 18, 2012


Victoria Rome Now is the Time Californians: Taking Action on Flame Retardants June 7, 201