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ast she shook hands with them--and she smiled--at least she half closed her eyes in a weary fashion, and widened her lips, but there was no heartine .

ld try to join him. So to-night they paced together, discussing the girl with the red curls who had come to them from far-off New England, in lieu o .

nds, when he announces his determination to marry. A good deal of this must be set down to the score of envy, some of it proceeds from mere habit on .

es, 7038--Jurors to take oath; false swearing, in taking this oath, to be perjury, 7038--Any person knowing that certain wrongs are about to be done .

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cation, was placed in a lower class altogether. She had not expected to be with Kitty, but she certainly had not expected to be placed below Anna, a .

ill you secure me against more trials at law? Will you pledge yourself that I am not to be tormented by these anxieties and cares?" "I can scarcely .

wn up, but told stories about it, and Aunt Pike has never been nice to her since, and Lady Kitson scarcely speaks to her, and Miss Richards doesn't .

with the great popular leader. Mr. Heffernan had a more than ordinary desire to exhibit his skill on this occasion; he was still smarting under the .

in. "That's what he meant, log jam of laziness. Have you discovered all these shelves in your wardrobe? I'd take off those doors and hang lovely ve .

syyt"a". Yrj"o l"ahestyi taas ovea, taistellen ylpeyden viimeisen t"ahteen kanssa. "Ei! Se konna voisi saada vihi"a asian oikeasta laidasta ja sitt .

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etti h"ant"a lakkaamatta se ajatus, ett"a pikku Jussi alamittainen, joka siihen asti oli hiljaisena k"arsinyt h"anen pilkkaa ja h"av"aistyst"ans"a, .

rown. At the well a halt was always called, for the water of it had healing properties, and from their babyhood the children had, as a matter of dut .

Let it not be named Glenlivet; think not upon Ferintosh. It was PURE REALITY IN THE LUSTRE OF A MILD GLORIFICATION, _mingled with droppings of the d .

d in the middle of the day?" "Well, you haven't been just quite well, you know," said Nurse. "Haven't I?" said Ruth. She considered this for some ti .

ty of our excellent representative, Alderman VARIAN, whose _v_ always takes the form of a _w_, especially in his rendering of a foreign tongue; as w .

llaan n"akyviin ja kysyi kuka se oli. Kyt"an hoksattuaan, sytytti h"an kynttil"a"a ja avasi oven. Yrj"o astui sis"a"an. "Noh, alamittainen!" puhui t .

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V"alttelev"asti_: Tarkotin ett"a meid"an keskuudessamme asiat ovat nyt niinp"ain ... kuinka sanoisin ... ett"a me emme tied"a mit"a tuleva on... URM .

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