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said Dempsey, "close to your cottage." This was a home-thrust for the Knight, to show him that concealment was of no use against so subtle an advers .

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't remembered about the different things I have fallen in and been fished out of when there was some one by to haul me out. Nobody being by, I had t .

e attempts at humor are inexpressibly dismal; the burlesque overpowers the most determined reader, by its leaden dulness. The style is ingeniously t .

but this fact never daunted Kit. She rowed up the river with a firm level stroke, thoroughly enjoying herself and the novelty of solitude. When she .

er it, but their father's remark, and his look, touched their consciences. Dan, too, for some reason or another, was against it; he said he thought .

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of mine. He is the only man boarder in the house, which is another thing to be thankful for; but, though he is hard to stand, he is nearly sixty an .

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surface is sloping, and more exposed to the sun's rays. On the south side the timber is of the class peculiar to the coast, and on the north that pe .

ankavaltajan poika, tuo lurjus, jonka kunnioitettava kirkkoherramme on kironnut, marssittaa teid"at huomisaamuna taipaleelle.--Sin"a, Born, harjaa s .

ttainment. He himself, therefore, had a direct personal object in this attack on the Knight of Gwynne, and gladly accepted the special retainer that .

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n false to their pledges." "You see my dream was right, after all," chuckled the old man. "I said they kept him working away in the kitchen, and gav .

. The points of view, being so different, give a different aspect to the picture, and gleams of light fall where, seen from another quarter, all was .

tect just what we are, then when I depart, you can wire them, 'Kit arrives such and such a time.' They'll probably expect a Christopher, and once I .

in the course of the interview, forget many minor circumstances, not to speak of the danger that your natural kindliness might expose you to in any .

them, but huckleberry pancakes with honey lured them both up for breakfast that first morning. And even Kit was silent as Stanley related all of hi .

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