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of the KNICKERBOCKER to whom it may be accessible. THE KNIGHT OF GWYNNE By Charles James Lever A Tale of the Time of the Union With Illustrations B .

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house is going along splendidly, and we hope to have our Christmas there. I have followed the old plan, but with some improvements, I think, putting .

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, indeed, Mr. Dempsey," said the Knight; "I thought, as I came into the drawing-room, that you were acquainted, or I should have presented you to th .

not to torment his younger sister any more. CHAPTER XV. MISSING! They all struggled to their feet after that, collected their baskets, and resumed .

s nothing for it but candor, I suppose, eh?" This being put in the form of a direct question, and the Knight having as freely assented, Paul resumed .

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property that still remained to them, the rents were withheld until their claim to them should be once more established by law. Disaster followed d .

ng his mother, toward whom his hands are invitingly opened. His figure is foreshortened, and to such a degree that his legs are out of the canvass, .

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learned was to be the place of his confinement. CHAPTER XXVIII. TIDINGS OF THE WOUNDED. The interests of our story do not require us to dwell minute .

iage for UWINS, for on visiting his father the Baron, that incensed nobleman tells the double-dyed apostate never to cross his threshold again, and .

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ns of my constant companions have calmed and elevated me to a gentler and better spirit. From them I have learned humility as well as self-reliance; .

hyard twang about them that came with peculiar relish to the youngster under a strong glare of candle- or fire light, were the very apple-pie of far .

September. Then an unending panorama of extraordinary picturesqueness is unfolded to the voyager. The banks are fringed with flowers, carpeted with .

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