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k"asi"a ja kuunteli hengityst"a. Juho katsoi uteliaasti h"aneen. "Paranee h"an viel"a, -- onhan h"an muutoin terve ja niin nuori. -- Herramme on pa .

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emember those days, that they saw the best of Ireland; and surely I believe, if his Grace had only lived, and had his own way, the peerage would hav .

go horseback-riding with him the next day. We went--I on Skylark, who is the joy of my life, and he on a borrowed horse, and we had a perfectly won .

hat to do, and that it is good for us to try and be different, and--and all that sort of thing." "But Aunt Pike wouldn't believe that Anna is mean; .

rom this source, and while we shall not enter into any such exegesis of the question as would show just how far the common cause was aided or retard .

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and the thing that suited each had been made for them. They were as becoming to the dresses as the dresses to them. Twickenham nearly lost its breat .

d, which is why he could stay only four days in Twickenham Town. I don't see why fathers have to work so hard, and why wives and daughters must have .

hat _gauche_ means; do you?" "No," said Kitty, colouring. "I expect I ought to, and I expect it is something dreadful; but if I am happier so, why c .

get forward was, however, such that he scarcely arrived at any halting-place without ordering horses to be at once got ready, so that, when able, h .

is a dream to look at, which Jessica isn't, but I love Jessica best. Last night in bed I got to thinking about old Jess, and wondering how she was .

we, vibrating in unison with the fragments of the fallen precipice upon which you tread. I remember some years since, in looking at an image of the .

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ir diocese, though they call it their see.' 'The duties incumbent on a parson are, first to act as the incumbent, by living in the place where he ha .

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