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-England; unless by there being present three idiot daughters of one poor man, whose low and narrow foreheads, sunken temples, fixed but dead and un .

siness of the court; but the extreme emergency will, I hope, pardon the indecorum. A large vessel has struck on the rocks in the bay: each moment it .

er the guest of Con Heffernan." He arose as he spoke, and fortunately the noise thus created prevented his words being overheard. "You 're right, Co .

150 yards wide, and for a short distance not more than 5 or 6 feet deep. The depth is, however, soon increased to 10 feet or more, and so continues .

read. "After all, it was somewhat of an experiment, and I confess that I was rather sceptical of the result, knowing the Dean as I do. Try to adapt .

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eighteenthly of the most eloquent discourse that was ever flattened out over the crowns of an equal proportion of unsuspecting listeners for the sa .

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wynne is of that nature that cannot be transacted in his absence or through his law agent?" "Scarcely, madam," said Nickie, with a sententious gravi .

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ound them smoking our pipes and listening to the marvellous tales of an old 'Leatherstocking' of the party, whose life had been passed between the R .

ay, another will take its place. The question then seems to be, whether it is better to live in a delusion and be happy, or to wake and be miserable .

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o Berkeley Square. I think the air and motion will benefit me; and perhaps Lady Netherby will see me." "Delighted--charmed to see you--my dear young .

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