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s done, he stood for a few minutes reflecting what step he should take next. A sudden change of position of Nickie startled him from these deliberat .

ant wind, May picture scenes of unambitious taste, Yet vainly now, we look around to find Thy early beauty mid this dreary waste; Unmourned, unmisse .

re the rightful owners of what our ancestors have held for centuries, while every step of usurpation by these Hickmans would appear almost unassaila .

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k. "And to what an alternative are we now reduced!" continued Lady Eleanor, who, with all the selfishness of sorrow, loved to linger on the painful .

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ine who cherished animosities which no philosophy born of the emotions could preach down, and before which even those ministers of red havoc that ha .

love. The 'carol' begins on Christmas-eve. SCROOGE calls his nephew a lunatic for wishing him 'A merry Christmas!' and sends him home, sad as harsh .

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formed the honors of the two small chambers destined for Lady Eleanor and Helen, than Paul followed her to the little apartment familiarly termed he .

we may assure our readers that they were both wild and wonderful. One only regret darkened the happiness of his exploit. It was that he was compell .

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ulted my papers;' as if in giving the names of many meaner persons, he should from forgetfulness overlook one so considerable as Coleman. The testim .

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ho may venture to choose their own time for showing kindness? Who may, having refused to 'do good when it was in the power of his hand to do it,' re .

usta myrsky j"arvell"a--nyt tuulee, on tuullut kaiken y"ot"a... HELJ"A _Katsoo h"aneen h"amm"astyneen"a. Masentuneesti:_ Niin ... niin... _L"ampim"a .

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