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ned. Cousin Roxy said he'd never married, and he lived with his old maiden lady sister out west somewhere. Not the real west, either; I mean the int .

retreat on Alexandria, protected by the circumstances of the ground, every point of which they had favorably occupied. The battle was now over; guns .

he invariable scene of dispute and wrangling incident to their choice followed. In law, as in war, the combat opens by a skirmish; a single cannon-s .

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uttail (white), age not known to self or parents, had obtained a view of the Kluxes from the airy depths of the family rag-box, situated in the rear .

tion--that yellow-green of the ransomed spirit--when gratitude that has never drawn a chain behind it, gratitude free as joy, gratitude beautiful as .

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sued orders that every noble and prelate of his kingdom should put himself at the head of his retainers, and take the field; and that every man capa .

orry Lionel left the Coldstreams; with economy he could very well have managed to hold his ground, and we might have obtained something for him in t .

aunts, and visiting Prue and Billy and Jabez in the stables; for Aunt Pike had allowed them that much licence on this the first day of the holidays. .

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. This way, it shows we have a fine, proud disregard for the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Kit, my child, did you hear that? I'll be play .

he damage to a pair of very old shoes, ma'am, I don't anticipate; I begin to suspect they've taken their last walk this evening." While Mr. Dempsey .

sir. I have received orders, that is," said he, speaking with the greatest rapidity, and a certain thickness of utterance very difficult to follow, .

"a"alle ymp"arist"oiss"a, mutta aina oli useita yhdess"a: joku suosittu yst"av"a, joku armas t"ati tahi nuoria vieraita herroja, jotka kukin kohdast .

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