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e much of their value. "Between Forty Mile River and the boundary line no stream of any size joins the Yukon; in fact, there is only one stream, whi .

t artist is he who accommodates his diction to his subject. In this sense, LONGFELLOW is an artist. By learning 'to labor and to wait,' by steadily .

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ded in arriving at correct results, had copied off his work, and packed it in his satchel for the morning. Methought, while I slept, my son and I st .

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ut there can be no doubt that it excited such a tendency, and for a long time proved the forlorn hope of the enemies of good government in this sect .

one. Even Jabez unbent, and was not always suspecting her of some mischief or other. "What part of the county do 'ee come from, miss?" he asked when .

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and opening the door, gave a sharp whistle, which was immediately responded to by a cry of "Here we are, sir," and the two followers already mentio .

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ou must come and see your little cousins in the country." She had said this so often without its having happened, however, that Ruth had come to loo apple watch track sleep garmin hybrid watch shall be quite perfectly happy--" "Touch wood," said Betty anxiously; "you know it is unlucky to talk like that. Fanny says so." "Pooh! nonsense!" c .

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the country," observed the old man, cunningly. "We 'll call them up for judgment, however," chimed in O'Halloran. "That same Daly is one of those me .

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istening her lips to say, but I was sleepy and I didn't want details. She had no idea of being cut out of saying what it was her determination to sa .

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ly flocking to his standard. Wo unto thee if thou hast dealt deceitfully with us, or betrayed us with guileful words.' Don Julian retired to his ten .

rned again with double force. "I am very glad to see you," said Pamela heartily, turning to Kitty again. "Isn't it jolly to be back?" "Jolly!--what! .

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