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m. It didn't sound polite to say no, and yet I couldn't truthfully say yes, so I just sighed and shook my head. When he asked me if I could give him .
two old people. But the rest of the family pinned its faith on Kit's persuasive adaptability. Helen and Doris, especially, felt that, if anything, .
as quickly interrupted by a fit of laughing; and the Knight leaned back in his chair, and shook with the emotion. "You doubt it; you think it absurd .
sustaining himself. The upstart, on the other hand, like a mariner in some unknown sea without chart or compass, has nothing to guide him; impelled .
ting. Thus I look cheerfully on, and see the sands of my life run out. They fall faster and faster, as their number is diminished, and time flies by .
he said to herself, "and there is no reason why it shouldn't if only we were good and every one was nice. I wonder, I wonder if I cannot make it so .
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bandry; and many had made shields for themselves from the doors and windows of their habitations. They were a prodigious host, and appeared, say the .
unut takaoven eteen ja kurkistellut avaimenrei"ast"a. >>Porstuassa on suuri ky"okkikaappi, ja jos Helena--neiti, tarkotan--huomisaamuksi tahtoo anta .
rakkaan vainajan peitteeksi. Nelj"annestunnin kuluttua oli hauta t"aytetty.--Sitten asetteli h"an nurmiturpeet vanhoille paikoilleen, poisti huolel .
v"an ty"ons"a menestyst"a. Vihdoinkin saapui maaneuvoksen virastosta ilosanoma, ett"a oli m"a"ar"atty p"aiv"a v. Schrandenin alias Baumgartin asian .
ast"a el"am"oimist"a, huutoa ja r"ahin"a"a. H"an katsoi l"ahemmin ja huomasi viheri"an kirstun, puusepp"a Hackelbergin ammattikilven, joka synkk"an" .
e ran to the kitchen and broached her plan to Jabez. He winced at the prospect, but raised no objection. Indeed, they were all too greatly alarmed t .
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r"oiden k"a"antyi h"ant"a kohden. Hetki, jota h"an kahdeksan vuotta oli ik"av"all"a odottanut, oli nyt tullut. H"an ei tuntenut v"ahint"ak"a"an liik .
d: 'Wont you give us your flipper, my old fellow? You're in trouble, but I'll stand by you to the last. If I don't, damme!' He struck his other hand .
t is always anxious to walk upon the ground where he first felt his strength, considering that a minstrel without love were as powerless, to adopt t .
nd arranged with Shad to put up the automobile in the barn. "Well, I've lugged down all his belongings to the tent," Shad said, rather hopelessly, t .
in the person of Miss Daly, whose property, amounting to some three or four thousand pounds, was to be given as security! There always is some perso .
beautifully suggestive of the ritualistic conditions of League membership. Here sisters and brothers, giving way to their better instincts, harmoniz .
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